Ensure that every bud of cannabis is treated with exceptional quality and care

After many successful harvests, we will share our expertise with you and show you how you as a home grower can take your growing to the next level! Found below are some tips and tricks for a successful cannabis harvest. In the world of growing, there are many conflicting views on how to properly grow, dry, trim, and cure cannabis. We will present several ways and methods that growers have used. This is not to say that one particular style is correct.

Cultivation of cannabis is a long process that requires hard work, time, and dedication on the growers part. After trying many different methods, we have our thoughts on which one produced the best results. Below, we will show you several strategies that can be used. Ultimately, it is most important to try different methods and find the one that works best for you and your setup at home.

Tip 1: Flush before harvest

As harvest time draws near, we begin eagerly anticipating reaping the benefits of our hard work. After months of pruning and training plants, you are finally ready to harvest. The type of strain that you are working with will determine the window of time needed for a successful harvest. One of the biggest lessons that I learned along the way is to not let my plants be in the vegetative state for too long. This is due to the fact that cannabis plants (depending on the strain) during flowering time can reach 2, 3, or 4 times its height. This can present many challenges depending on your grow space that you are using. Be mindful of this rule of thumb before making the transition to flower.

Attention to Detail

Before harvesting your crop, it is extremely important to ensure that any nutrients or salt buildup in your soil has been successfully flushed out. This is typically done two weeks prior to harvest. A successful flush is very easy to do. All you will need is water that has a PH level between 6 and 7, with 6.8 being optimal. Many growers like to give nutrients to their plants throughout the cultivation process. Two weeks prior to harvest, you can stop giving nutrients and solely your plant water. By flushing your cannabis, it allows for a much smoother smoke and more flavourful flowers. Flushing gives your plants time to use the last of their remaining nutrients that they have stored.

As a general rule of thumb, it is important to harvest as soon as the pistils of your plant have turned amber. To take this to the next level and ensure that you harvest at the optimal time, it is wise to purchase a trichome microscope to keep a close eye as your plant reaches maturity. If trichomes seem to be clear and translucent, this indicates that you are too early in your flower cycle to harvest. This is especially important to ensure that your cannabis has a fragrant terpine profile and exceptional potency. Many growers become excited and harvest too early in the cycle. This can affect how much THC has developed in the plant, as well as create that dreaded smell of “hay” that does not make for an exceptional smoke.


You will know that your harvest is ready when your trichomes are a nice blend of milky white with a hint of amber. My general rule of thumb is to aim for 70% milky and 30% amber. This will result in an outstanding terpine profile that you can be proud of! Timing is absolutely critical depending on the strain and flowering time that you are working with. The number of days in flower varies greatly by strain. Typically, indica strains will be ready for harvest between 50-60 days. Sativa plants can stay in flower for longer (typically 60-70 days).

Here are some helpful tips for harvesting, drying, processing, and curing cannabis to ensure that you have top-shelf quality buds that you can be proud of.

Tip 2: Processing and Drying

Before you begin to harvest, it is important to ensure that you have each of your strains properly labelled to ensure that they are grouped properly. I prefer to remove the largest of the fan leaves before chopping down my plant. This will ensure better airflow and ensure that your buds dry correctly and at the same rate. By doing this crucial step, you will have a much better chance at preventing mold which can ruin an entire harvest. Once the fan leaves have been removed, chop the plant down as a whole at the base of the stem. By hanging the plant as one piece, you ensure that the drying process will not happen too quickly. Keep your plants around 50-55% humidity with temperatures between 60 and 70 degrees fahrenheit for the first week. You can lower the humidity after one week, but keep the temperature consistent. You will know when your plants have successfully dried when you can bend a piece of the stem and hear a snap.

Quality over Quantity

Keep your drying room well ventilated with oscillating fans and inline fans. This will ensure that the air is constantly moving and fresh air is being exchanged throughout the drying process. To ensure proper humidity, it would be wise to add a dehumidifier to ensure that the levels remain consistent. Geography and climate of where you live will greatly affect humidity levels in your drying room. Drying can take anywhere from 7-14 days before plants are ready to be trimmed and cured. Remember, slow and steady wins the race. Don’t let your hard work go to waste!

Tip 3: Trimming

The growing world seems to be divided on how to best trim your dried cannabis. Many purists claim that a hand trim is truly the best to ensure a fragrant terpine profile as well as maintaining the integrity of the trichomes. If this is the method that you choose, be prepared to spend long hours trimming your cannabis. It is always beneficial to pick up several pairs of pruning scissors to ensure that when your scissors start to become coated with resin, you will have another pair on standby while the other gets cleaned with isopropyl alcohol. For those that are more limited on time, there are many trimmers currently on the market with varying price points. Ultimately, it is up to you how much time you spend on trimming. The best way is to try both and see what you prefer. Growing cannabis is an art! You will always learn new tips and tricks every harvest. Eventually, you will learn what works best for you.

Tip 4: Curing

Often an overlooked step, a successful cure is arguably the most important step for a successful cannabis harvest. I cannot begin to tell you how many growers that I have spoken with that have ruined an entire cannabis harvest due to an improper cure. Once you have successfully trimmed your buds, it is time to invest in some airtight glass jars which help maintain the quality of your cannabis. Before you put your buds into jars, there is one step that I feel is absolutely crucial to ensure that you maximize the potency and terpine profile. This process is called “sweating” the buds. It’s very simple! Put your buds into a large ziploc bag, ensure all the air is removed, and then roll it up tight. This will ensure your cannabis is very fragrant. Be sure to open the bags 2-3 times a day to ensure a fresh exchange of air and a release of any moisture. After about 3-4 days of sweating your buds, you are finally ready to put them into jars!

Take your time

Many growers use humidity packs during the curing process. However, in our experience, we found that humidity packs were generally ineffective until the 4th week of curing. Ultimately, humidity packs help for long-term preservation of your product. It is wise to invest in some pocket hygrometers that you can put into your jars. This is the most effective way to be mindful of the humidity levels in your jars. The optimal range for curing cannabis is between 58-65% humidity. If you find the humidity is too high, then it means your buds need more time to dry. Leave them out to dry overnight, put them back in the jar and then check your humidity levels after about an hour to get an accurate reading. Once your humidity levels are consistent, be sure to open your jars 2-3 times a day for about 10 minutes each time. This will ensure that you have a fresh exchange of air as well as prevent any mold or bacteria growth. Ideally, a good cure should be for 3-4 weeks.

After all of your hard work, take your time during the harvesting process. You will end up with a much more exceptional product. Drying and curing are amongst the most important steps in the successful cultivation of cannabis. With temperature, humidity, time, and patience, you will be rewarded with high-quality cannabis that you can be proud of.

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